JC Lawnscaping LLC logo
CALL FOR AN ESTIMATE (586)863-3895


Family owned, based out of Chesterfield, MI offering Lawn Maintenance, Landscaping, & Residential / Commercial Snow Plowing in Macomb county and surrounding areas.

Core Aeration Calculator

Input the square footage of your lawn below to get an instant estimate for core aeration. Follow the step by step process below to get the square footage of your property.

**Estimates are subject to change without notice, and are based on property size and time expected to complete service. **

Core Aeration Price
One Pass
Double Pass

Getting Measurements Of Property

Input address

At the top of the map input your address including street name, city, and zip code and click enter.

Input Address

Map Out Property

Once you have searched your address, click on the polygon tool [Square Icon] to start mapping on your property. Click on the outsides of your property making a box shape to get an accurate measurement of your lawn. Zoom in if needed to get a better measurement. Once the property is outlined, complete the outline by clicking on the first pin that was placed. If you would like to make further adjustments, you can click on a pin and move it to the correct area.

Additional Areas

Some properties may require additional areas to be mapped out. If you require additional areas to be mapped, once you are finished with the first area, click on the square polygon tool and start placing pins in the next area and repeat the process listed above.

Aeration Calculator

Once you have the outline(s) of the property, take the square footage of the property and put it into the Core Aeration Calculator above. This will provide you with an estimate of what we charge for core aeration.

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